Things have been good lately.
One year ago I was saying to myself "one year ago I was so happy, so healthy, so busy....etc." I couldn't believe how different things were. Heck, last fall I had a disgusting tube sticking out of my leg draining disgusting fluid-I think for six weeks. So gross! And then a month of a tube in my arm. No baths. Even grosser!
Now I'm saying, "one year ago I was so depressed, so sick, there was nothing but hospital visits on my calendar...etc." I cant believe how different things are today.
I am in a way better place.
I went back to the hospital last month for a routine exam. I think I would have been fine if it wasn't snowing. That's what it did I swear every day I traveled to Salt Lake last December. It played tricks on my mind that I was about to get sick and tired. I pretty much had a panic attack while in the waiting room, and came home and slept all afternoon. Just like last year.
My Dr. said to take 2 ativan when I come in for my next scheduled scans in February. Thank you, I think I will.
So here is a small video I made for my family film festival. I did it in a rush and couldn't find a lot of my footage from the year (like Luke's 3rd birthday where he was incredibly adorable), but anyway this songs always tops the most played on my ipod. LOVE it!