I was going to depress you all with some sad stories of the day, including but not limited to a bawling session with the boys on our newly carpeted stairs. If you know Sam, you know it doesn't take more than a tear out of your eye to get him started, and James cries over candy, so maybe I shouldn't feel all that loved. But I did. My boys dont want me to go. Im going to leave it at that and do what Brittany tells me to do-crazy eights.
8 things I'm passionate about1. my family
2. flowers
3. food
4. mb
5. friends
6. beauty
7. church
8. laundry
8 things i want to do before i die1. attend my boys wedding
2. grow old with josh
3. holiday at Prince Edward Island
4. get really good at photography
5, buy an old house and live in it forever
6. have a girl, and give her a sister
7. save the orphans in Romania
8. tell everyone in my life how much i love them
8 things i say often1. What are you doing?
2. LUKE!!
3. Thanks so much
4. We don't cry over something like that!
5. Fine
6. I don't know, ask your uncle Jon
7. 5 people in 1200 square feet is NOT working
8. Turn your face all the way to the camera
8 books Ive recently read1. harry potter
2. NT
3. ladies #1 detective agency series
4. photography (text book)
5. good night moon
6. pride and prejudice
7. twilight
8. a-z mystery series (with james of course)
8 songs i could listen to over and over1. home-michael buble
2. life is a highway (i know i could because i do-and not by choice)
3. mystery-indigo girls
4. almost all the songs on the Miracle CD by Celine Dion
5. your beautiful-james blunt
6. everything-michael buble (and as it turns out, everything michael buble)
7. anne of green gables theme song
8. where is the love-celine dion
8 things that attract me to my best friends1. they make me feel young
2. they don't spend their lives cleaning
3. they make me better
4. they forgive
5. they listen
6. they laugh at me
7. they cry with me
8. they love me
8 things Ive learned this past year1. 28 years is not enough time
2. i love being a mommy
3. finishing a basement is really annoying
4. life is better when you live by your mom
5. sisters are the best things in the world
6. i have a lot of friends
7. that i have a lot to learn
8. when the cougs win, we all win
8 people i think should do '8'1. josh
2. brooke
3. vicki
4. mary
5. dad
6. rob
7. jennie
8. matt