Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"But so they probably for sure got rid of all of it."

Title stated by James, pertaining to my cancer. Okay, can I just thank you for all the love Ive felt today? I just cry when someone helps, or even offers. I don't know why, its just so comforting to know I have friends and family that will help me no matter what happens. My mother in law watched my kids all day so Josh could come to the Dr. I came home and my greatest neighbors Jana and Steph had cleaned my house-even my bedroom-and left flowers. Then they brought me dinner. My brother and sister in law had sent flowers. I had several messages and emails and an sweet comments on my blog-thanks Jennie, I love you too. We had a storm this afternoon that shut our Internet down, and that means our phone, so I didn't get to talk to any of you about my appointment. They scheduled me for surgery on the 17th. They said with a melanoma this deep they will have a plastic surgeon take a 'small shark bite' out of my leg where the mole was and then reconstruct that area to make it look as good as they can (can I tell you how glad I am its not on my face?). They inject some dye in my leg that morning so the general surgeon can tell which lymph nodes (the ones in the groin) to take out and send to the lab to see if the cancer has spread there. I guess if the lymph nodes are negative we call it good and watch for other moles. If it has got there its just bad news basically. I cant help but believe that will not be the case. Too much sadness in the thought. I love you all, thank you!


Sonja said...

Alisa, I hope you can have an enjoyable two weeks. I know it's a lot to hope for, but hey, live it up! Once they find out that "but so they probably for sure got rid of it all," you won't have that unknown factor in your life and the excuse to buy or do whatever you want. I love you.

Brittany said...

What an appropriate title - I know that's what we've all been praying for and what we sincerely believe is the case.
Sorry Matt and I have been kind of silent on this so far...know that you're in every prayer, and that we wish we'd been thoughtful enough to clean your house or send you flowers. :) We love you, and Baby Booman sends his love as well.

jennie said...

Hey... at least you get a shark bite with some major anesthetic on board!
I wish I would have thought to come clean your house... but then I'd probably put things away in really random places like I always do here, and then NOONE would be able to find anything!
You are constantly in our prayers.. Pete's praying for you too! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Alisa, I have to agree with James. Call it a feeling...
We're praying for you, too. If you leave for a longish vacation, don't be surprised if you come back to a finished basement.

Kirsty said...

Well, I guess I can't clean your house since I'm in South America. I probably have the best excuse out of anyone. Man, I wish I didn't have an excuse. If you send your kids to Chile, I'll babysit them unlimited for FREE!!! (diapers not included)

Brooke said...

We are praying for you. Savannah wants to say every prayer so she can say, "please bless Alisa's ouwie on her leg." Please call me anytime!! I wish we were there to help distract you these 2 weeks.

AnneMarie said...

Nate and I are also praying for you(along with all the Farners who mentioned you in every prayer their entire family reunion). We wish like crazy we were there to help. I love you and am thinking about you more and more every day while I try to be a brave nurse! Keep on keepin' on. I miss you.

Matt said...

Alisa, if the prayers of overweight younger brothers have anything to do with having lymph nodes in the clear, you're good to go. I love you!

Kari said...

Alisa, I love you!